D. Lewis, General Semantics. B.H. Partte, Some Transformational Extensions of Montague Grammar. R.H. Thomason, Some Extensions of Montague Grammar. M. Bennett, A Variation and Extension of a Montague Fragment of English. R. Rodman, Scope Phenomena, "Movement Transformations," and Relative Clauses. E.B. Delacruz, Factives and Proposition Level Constructions in Montague Grammar. D.R. Dowty, Montague Grammar and the Lexical Decomposition of Causative Verbs. C.L. Hamblin, Questions in Montague English. M.J. Cresswell, The Semantics of Degree. M. Siegel, Capturing the Russian Adjective. R. Cooper and T. Parsons, Montague Grammar, Generative Semantics and Interpretive Semantics. Index.Partee, Barbara H. is the author of 'Partee Montague Grammar', published 1987 under ISBN 9780125458511 and ISBN 0125458517.
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