The literary period covered here--from the death of Chaucer to the early years of Henry VIII's reign--produced a variety of rich and fascinating work. The representative works chosen for this book include familiar authors such as Malory, Henryson, Skelton, and More, as well as never-before published texts, and some that were previously available only in obscure editions. A number of works such as The Testament of Cresseid, Mankind, and Everyman are given in full and every selection is supported by a commentary and a detailed glossary. Not narrowly "literary" in its conception, the book gives a colorful picture of the time, setting private letters alongside Malory's moving account of the death of Arthur, scenes from chronicles alongside extracts on alchemy and medicine, recipes that promise to make hair grow, and tips for pilgrims going to the Holy Land alongside advice on grooming and charming tales from The Golden Legend. Covering a fascinating period, The Oxford Book of Late Medieval Verse and Prose froms an impressive, entertaining affirmation of the period as one of ferment and achievement.Gray, Douglas is the author of 'Oxford Book of Late Med.verse+prose' with ISBN 9780198124528 and ISBN 019812452X.
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