LikeThe Cross-Legged Scribehe describes so vividly, Ihab Hassan lives underMedu-netcher,the sign of the word. For Hassan, a critic is far more than a conservator or maker of judgments. In his work he has investigated not only the state of current literature but the thoughts and feelings that inform it. "The important questions before the human race are not literary questions," he acknowledges inParacriticisms(1975). "They are questions of consciousness reason, dream, love." If humanity, as Hassan's work progressively suggests, is being transformed by a new universal consciousness, it is appropriate, perhaps essential, that critics such as he examine their own evolution as thinking and feeling beings. Out of Egypt, Hassan has never returned, preferring instead the continuing journey: "In journeys, we hear the cadences of the universe itself, and endure our death, going hence, coming hither. 'Ripeness is all.'" The process of "ripening" is dependent in this inter-textual age upon the blending of minds into minds, voices into voices, making it necessary for Hassan to weave into his narrative brief essays, citations, and quotationsincluding some from his previous work.Hassan, Ihab is the author of 'Out of Egypt Scenes and Arguments of an Autobiography' with ISBN 9780809312962 and ISBN 0809312964.
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