Contents: Plato, Lysis. Translated by Stanley Lombardo; Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (Books VIII and IX), Rhetoric (II.4), Translated by Terence Irwin; Cicero: "On Friendship" (De Amicitia), Translated by Frank Copley; Seneca: "On Philosophy and Friendship" and "On Grief for Lost Friends," Translated by R. M. Gummere; Aelred of Rievaulx: "Spiritual Friendship" (De Spiritali Amicitia, Book 1), Translated by Eugenia Laker, S.S.N.D.; Thomas Aquinas, Questions on Love and Charity (from Summa Theologiae), Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province; Montaigne: "Of Friendship", Translated by Donald M. Frame; Francis Bacon: "Of Friendship"; Immanuel Kant: Lecture on Friendship, Translated by Louis Infield; Ralph Waldo Emerson: "Friendship"; Soren Kierkegaard: "You Shall Love Your Neighbor" (from Works of Love), Translated by Howard and Edna Hong; Elizabeth Telfer: "Friendship"; Bibliography.Pakaluk, Michael is the author of 'Other Selves Philosophers on Friendship' with ISBN 9780872201132 and ISBN 0872201139.
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