THE BACKYARD SCIENTIST SERIES, Hoffman, Jane, THE ORIGINAL BACKYARD SCIENTIST $8.50 ISBN 0-9618663-1-4, BACKYARD SCIENTIST, SERIES ONE $8.50 ISBN 0-9618663-0-6, BACKYARD SCIENTIST, SERIES TWO $8.50 ISBN 0-9618663-2-2, BACKYARD SCIENTIST, SERIES THREE $8.50 ISBN 0- 9618663-3-0, BACKYARD SCIENTIST, SERIES FOUR $8.50 ISBN 0-9618663- 4-9, BACKYARD SCIENTIST, EXPLORING EARTHWORMS WITH ME $8.95 ISBN 0- 9618663-5-7. These sprightly illustrated books contain simple to perform, hands-on science experiments in chemistry, physics & solid sciences (except as noted below) for budding scientists 4 to 14 years old. Using commonly available materials (most are found in the average home), the experiments will allow the student to explore & understand complex scientific concepts. SERIES THREE's focus is on the life sciences. EXPLORING EARTHWORMS WITH ME allows the young scientist to learn the physiology & environmental needs of this beneficial animal. The books are excellent for use in the home & classroom. The author, Jane Hoffman is sought after provider of teacher in-service workshops & workshop leader at educational conferences. Backyard Scientist, Inc., P.O. Box 16966, Irvine, CA 92713, (714) 551-2392 FAX (714)552-5351.Hoffman, Jane is the author of 'Original Backyard Scientist Experiments That Kids Can Perform Using Things Around the House Ages 4-12' with ISBN 9780961866310 and ISBN 0961866314.
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