(Each Chapter concludes with a Summary, Key Words, Review Questions, Exercises.) 1. What Is an Operating System? Basic Operating System Functions. Layers of Abstraction. Open Source and Proprietary Operating Systems. A Look Ahead. I. BASIC SYSTEM RESOURCES. 2. Hardware. Memory. The Processor. Microcode. Input and Output Devices. Secondary Storage. Communication Hardware. Linking the Components. 3. Software and Data. Hardware, Software, and Data. Software. Data. 4. Linking the Hardware Components. Linking Hardware. Architectures. The Hardware/Software Interface. II. BASIC OPERATING SYSTEM CONCEPTS. 5. The User Interface, the File System, and the IOCS. An Operating System's Basic Functions. The User Interface. The File System. The Input/Output Control System. Resident and Transient Routines. The Boot. 6. Resource Management. Memory Management. Virtual Memory. Multiprogramming. Time-sharing. The Virtual Machine Concept. Peripheral Device Management. III. COMMUNICATING WITH THE OPERATING SYSTEM. 7. MS-DOS Commands. MS-DOS. Getting Started. The File System. Pipes, Filters, and Redirection. Returning to Windows. 8. The Microsoft Windows User Interface. Windows XP. Working with the Windows File System. Other Features. 9. The UNIX/Linux User Interface. UNIX. ThWilliam S. Davis is the author of 'Operating Systems: A Systematic View (6th Edition)', published 2004 under ISBN 9780321267511 and ISBN 0321267516.
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