The life story of legendary big wave rider Fred Van Dyke, and his coming of age in California and Hawaii. Relive fond memories of childhood adventures, never ending fun, first kiss, a dream girl you're missing, but have never met. Reminisce a captivating time when life was simple; freedom was felt in the uncrowded natural environment of mountain streams, Redwood forests, isolate California and Hawaii beaches, unspoiled fishing, surfing, and hiking. Share the pleasure of anticipation, the challenge of life threatening experiences. Enjoy an appealing story, love of animals, people, nature that provides a sane and sacred way of life. Enter the Golden Gate; wander a romantic California that no longer exists. Travel west to an alluring Hawaii, a golden abundance that is timelessly held in your heart and soul.Van Dyke, Fred is the author of 'Once Upon Abundance: Coming of Age in California and Hawaii' with ISBN 9780970261816 and ISBN 0970261810.
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