Shortly after the hostilities of the Iraq War were declared to havecome to an end, the renowned philosopher Jurgen Habermas, with theendorsement of Jacques Derrida, published a manifesto invoking thenotion of a "core Europe," distinct from both the British and the "new"European candidates for EU membership, and defined above all by itssecular, Enlightenment and social-democratic traditions. A keycomponent of the manifesto was its insistence on the need for acounterweight to the perceived influence of the US, a theme that alsoresonates in recent discussions about the establishment of a Europeanmilitary force outside the command structures of NATO. On the sameweekend in May 2003, a number of other leading intellectuals, amongthem Umberto Eco, Gianni Vattimo and Richard Rorty, published essaysaddressing these themes in major European newspapers, and almostimmediately responses to these essays began to appear. The writingssparked a lively debate about the nature of "Europe" and transatlanticrelations that reverberates through contemporary discussion. Thisvolume provides readers in the Anglophone world the opportunity to gainaccess to the debate. As the fallout from the Iraq war continues torumble and EU expansion continues apace, this is compelling reading foranyone interested in the future of Europe and the transatlanticalliance. With contributions by Jurgen Habermas, Jacques Derrida,Umberto Eco, Adolf Muschg, Richard Rorty, Fernando Savater, GianniVattimo, Susan Sontag, Timothy Garton Ash, Iris Marion Young, UlrichBeck, Adam Krzeminski and others.Levy, Daniel is the author of 'Old Europe, New Europe, Core Europe Transatlantic Relations After The Iraq War', published 2005 under ISBN 9781844675203 and ISBN 1844675203.
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