Nystce Rea The Best Test Prep for the Ny Multi-subject Cst

Nystce Rea The Best Test Prep for the Ny Multi-subject Cst
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  • ISBN-13: 9780738601472
  • ISBN: 0738601470
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Publisher: Research & Education Association


Research and Education Association Staff


Teach... Lead... Inspire... Introduction With this book in hand, you've taken an important step toward becoming a certified teacher in the State of New York. REA's NYSTCE (New York State Teacher Certification Examinations) Multi-Subject Content Specialty Test (CST) preparation book is designed to help candidates master the multi-subject CST subject matter for a PreK-9 license. The CST Multi-Subject test is composed of the following subareas: English Language Arts; Mathematics; Science and Technology; Social Sciences; The Fine Arts; Health and Fitness; Family and Consumer Science and Career Development; and Foundations of Reading: Constructed-Response Assignment. Each subtest area that appears on the official test is comprehensively reviewed, and a full-length practice test is provided to hone your knowledge. Following the test, you will find an answer key with detailed explanations designed to help you more completely understand the test material and its difficulty. When you successfully complete this book, you will be well equipped with the knowledge, practice, and strategies to pass this most important exam. About the Test What is the NYSTCE Multi-Subject Content Specialty Test and what is it used for? The NYSTCE Multi-Subject CST (Field 002) must be taken by individuals seeking certification as a PreK-9 public school teacher in the State of New York. It is a criterion-referenced test, meaning that it is designed to measure a candidate's knowledge and skills in relation to an established standard, rather than in relation to the performance of other candidates. The explicit purpose of the test is to help identify for certification those candidates who have demonstrated the appropriate level of knowledge and skills that are important for performing the responsibilities of a teacher in the New York State public schools. If I apply for licensure in New York after having prepared in another state, do I have to take the test? Yes, you must hold a New York State certificate to teach in the state's public schools. Reciprocity under the Interstate Agreement of Qualification of Educational Personnel is limited to coursework requirements only. Also, it applies only to the first-level regular certificate a member state issues. You must complete any examination requirements a member state may have. The New York State testing requirements for specific teaching certificates are available from the Office of Teaching Initiatives. For more information, visit their Web site at http://OHE32.nysed.gov and click the link for Office of Teaching Initiatives. How is the test content determined? Each test in the NYSTCE program is designed to measure areas of knowledge called subareas. Within each subarea, statements of important knowledge and skills, called objectives, define the content of test. The test objectives were developed for the NYSTCE in conjunction with committees of New York State educators. Test questions matched to the objectives were developed using, in part, textbooks; New York State learning standards and curriculum guides; teacher education curricula; and certification standards. The test questions were developed in consultation with committees of New York State teachers, teacher educators, and other content and assessment specialists. Who administers the test? All the NYSTCE tests are administered by the New York State Education Department. When and where is the test given? The New York teacher certification exams are given throughout the year. A current schedule of dates can be found on the Web at http://www.nystce.nesinc.com. Click on "Before You Register" for information about dates, test sites, and all the information you need. There are currently 19 test sites across New York State, one in New Jersey, one in Canada, and one in Puerto Rico, with other test sites in cities across the U.S. Candidates may register by Internet, by mail,Research and Education Association Staff is the author of 'Nystce Rea The Best Test Prep for the Ny Multi-subject Cst', published 2006 under ISBN 9780738601472 and ISBN 0738601470.

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