As a boy living on a farm atop Little Sewell Mountain seven miles Southeast of Rainelle in Western Greenbrier County, West Virginia beginning June 1929 when my Father bought our farm, entertainment consisted almost entirely of what One created for Himself. Those were difficult times just prior To The Great Depression. Rural life-styles were simple during that period of economic decline with the chances of survival by farm folk almost completely dependent upon the soil. Hard times yes, but not entirely unpleasant. My Family believed that what didn't kill you outright made you tough. We had no alternate choice. If One wished to survive, get on with living and time will take care of itself. Much of my pleasure came from listening To The community's old folk telling stories, many of which were true, many exaggerated but told to be absolutely true. Lets say that some were enhanced a bit. Planting and harvesting by hand was hard labor, but it became much easier when neighbors helped neighbors. Thus we became good friends spending much time together. We walked from farm to farm to reach the work-site of the day and often visited each other during the early night time hours. it was always a treat for me when the story telling would begin. I would sit on the floor with my back resting against a wall and listen attentively to many wonderful tales. I have always thought that for a person to be a good story teller, One has to also be a good listener. An old truism admonishes that One cannot learn anything while talking. The very fact that I am attempting to write an interesting book about the past is that I was encouraged to do so by my two children and my two granddaughters, all of whom were such good listeners when I told them bed-time stories during their childhoods. When I visit modern Friends, I still enjoy exchanging stories. Many times, someone suggests that a book should be written to preserve them. it is with that in mind that I submit the following stories. Some are ones worn threadbare by the 'old-timers' of my youth and many relate to personal experiences of my eighty years of life including time spent during as well as subsequent to a career as a soldier. I hope you, The Reader, enjoy all of them.Martin, James E. is the author of 'Now What? Appalachian View from Resume Speed, West Virginia Population 2 Old People and 2 Cats' with ISBN 9781403393890 and ISBN 1403393893.
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