Now! To The Truthseekers A Series Of Thought Provoking Fictional Essays & Short Stories

Now! To The Truthseekers A Series Of Thought Provoking Fictional Essays & Short Stories
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  • Condition: Good
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  • ISBN-13: 9781418487553
  • ISBN: 1418487554
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Publisher: AuthorHouse


Harris Sr., John L.


Why read "Now! to the TruthSeekers" written by John L. Harris, Sr.' A book that would prayerfully enlighten the reader to recoginze who he or she is in order to help establish stablity for defeating an enemy, which attacks the mind of any who would fall prey. In addition these short stories and essays will bring you to the realization that your identity is based solely on your perception of self in Christ. This work clearly denotes the vast areas that may arise causing you, the individual to falter spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and/or financially, which is materialism. Guiding the reader through experiences, though fictitious, which might realistically arise in the life of any one, while exposing possible hidden truths one might otherwise choose to avoid. "A Painful Realization'' deals with the impossible becoming possible because ''nothing could have prepared me for what was before me! Absolutely nothing sought among the things of men, could have been demonstrated so clearly the lack of biblical principles, than the ignorance of that which is so defined within the book of Galatians, chapter five.'' Or, that of ''Belief, Commitment and Results'' wherein the writer attempts to bring the reader to recognize the plan and purpose of God for each of our lives. This book encourages the reader to stand fast in the face of opposition while living in a socioeconomic system of secular society, following after the prince of the air. Addressing the question ''Could this be Your Struggle?'' and other such short stories and essays provides the highs and lows of human life and endeavors, which the writer effectively uses interaction of scriptural references justifying the need forholiness and faithfulness. The author also provides examples of what can and will happen should there be a turning away from as oppose to striving toward a better relationship with God. "Now! to the TruthSeekers" confronts real life issues for all ages from a vantage pointHarris Sr., John L. is the author of 'Now! To The Truthseekers A Series Of Thought Provoking Fictional Essays & Short Stories', published 2004 under ISBN 9781418487553 and ISBN 1418487554.

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