Notch Effects of Fatigue and Fracture Proceddings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop

Notch Effects of Fatigue and Fracture Proceddings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop
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  • ISBN-13: 9780792368427
  • ISBN: 0792368428
  • Publisher: Springer


Pluvinage, Guy, Gjonaj, Marenglen


The particular emphasis of this book is on new approaches to the notch effect problem in fatigue and fracture, and in particular the volumetric approach. These new methods are introduced in an attempt to replace the hot spot method, which suffers from some degree of empiricism. The work has given rise to a new field: notch fracture mechanics, in which a crack is considered as a particular case of a notch. Theoretical and practical aspects are presented in both fracture and fatigue. Special attention is paid to welded joints. Readership: Particularly recommended to engineers involved in safety design. Readers should possess adequate skill in strength of materials and fracture mechanics.Pluvinage, Guy is the author of 'Notch Effects of Fatigue and Fracture Proceddings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop' with ISBN 9780792368427 and ISBN 0792368428.

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