Reading Group GuideThe Night Buffaloby Guillermo ArriagaDescription:Acclaimed novelist and screenwriter of21 GramsandBabelGuillermo Arriaga writes of love, friendship, passion, and betrayal in this haunting and remarkable novel. Set in Mexico City,The Night Buffalois the story of Gregorio, a charismatic and mentally unstable young man, who is betrayed by his best friend Manuel and his girlfriend Tania when the two embark upon an affair. When Gregorio commits suicide, Manuel must face the truth about his own past as he struggles to make sense of the driving force behind Gregorio's madness.Meanwhile, Tania disappears for days at a time, Gregorio's sister leaves cryptic phone messages for Manuel at all hours of the night, and a mysterious stranger hell-bent on avenging Gregorio's death vows to stop at nothing to get what he wants.Arriaga's stark prose and deeply felt understanding of human nature makeThe Night Buffaloa harrowing, heartbreaking, and completely compelling read.Reading Group Discussion:Jacinto Anaya is a character Manuel knows little about, yet he has a significant influence on Manuel's well-being. What do you think Jacinto's history is? What makes him so focused on avenging Gregorio's death? And why do you think it is so important to him to meet with Manuel in person?When Manuel finds a handwritten note from Tania to Gregorio he learns that, contrary to what he believed, the two never ended their relationship. Why did Tania stay involved with both men? Which man was Tania really in love with? Both? Neither? Jacinto describes Tania as "the string that held Gregorio," to which Manuel replies "that was the name of my string, too" (p. 221). What, other than romantic love, does Tania signify to both men?Discuss the novel's attitude toward parent/child relationships. Manuel's father seems more sympathetic to his son's problems while Manuel frequently butts heads with his mother. Manuel refers to all his friends' parents as "the mother" and "the father." How does Manuel view his parents? In general, how are adults portrayed in the novel?Arriaga employs a great deal of symbolism throughout the novel. Discuss some of his recurring symbols and motifs. Consider such things as earwigs, guns, the deaths of animals, handwritten notes, and tattoos. What is the effect of Arriaga's heavy use of symbolism?Manuel cheats on Tania with several different women throughout the course of their relationship, yet when he learns of her recent involvement with Gregorio he is furious. Even though he says "I had no choice but to forget . . . I wouldn't reproach her at all" (p. 136), he explodes at her during their confrontation at the zoo. How does this double standard reflect Manuel's general attitude toward women? Consider Manuel's interactions with Rebecca, Laura, Margarita, and his mother. What is significant about the way women are portrayed in the novel? Is there a common trait these women share or do they all reflect a different side of Manuel?Manuel says Tania "gave the impression of being a woman permanently trying to escape . . . Many confused this trait for betrayal, even me. But . . . Tania had a profound sense of loyalty" (pp. 56-57). How would you describe Tania? What do you think happens to her when she disappears at the end of the novel?The characters who are closest with one another lie, cheat, and steal from each other; they often seem to live by their own moral code: Manuel takes an acquaintance's car on a joyride, demands money from the neighborhood teenagers, and dates several women at a time; Gregorio kills animals and threatens to kill a boy; Commander Ramirez breaks Manuel's finger for seemingly no reason at all. Does anyone in the novel live according to society's more traditional rules and expectations? Which relatioArriaga, Guillermo is the author of 'Night Buffalo ', published 2006 under ISBN 9780743281850 and ISBN 0743281853.
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