Based on the popular Nick, Jr. animated TV show, "Go, Diego, Go!" this book makes Diego's animal rescue stories come to life, thanks to the action viewer and cards that accompany this three-story collection. As they read the stories, kids can follow prompts to insert any one of the 30 cards into the viewer, shift the viewer slightly, and see the picture change right before their very eyes. For example, one card might show an animal in danger. Shift the viewer, and suddenly the scene changes to show the animal is now safe! A handy clip lets you attach the toy to your belt loop or backpack for take-along fun. NEW format - Includes action viewer - Includes 30 cards to insert into the viewer and view Diego images - as the viewer is shifted, the images change right before kids' very eyes. - Cards are stored in a drawer built into the viewer!- 3 stories included - "Diego Saves the Sea Turtles," "Diego and Alicia Save the Otters," and "Diego the Hero"Pass, Erica is the author of 'Nick JR. Go, Diego, Go! Diego to the Hero Storybook and Action Viewer', published 2008 under ISBN 9780794413934 and ISBN 0794413935.
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