New Perspectives on Racial Identity Development A Theoretical and Practical Anthology

New Perspectives on Racial Identity Development A Theoretical and Practical Anthology
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  • ISBN-13: 9780814793435
  • ISBN: 0814793436
  • Publication Date: 2001
  • Publisher: New York Univ Pr


Wijeyesinghe, Charmaine L., Jackson, Bailey W.


Maurianne Adams, Ph.D., is Chair of the Social Justice Education Program in the School of Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Suraiya Baluch works as a counselor at Barnard College Counseling Services William E. Cross, Jr., Ph.D., is Professor in the Social Personality Program, Department of Psychology, City University of New York Bernardo M. Ferdman, Ph.D. (Yale, 1987), professor at the California School of Professional Psychology, consults to organizations and writes on diversity, inclusion, and Latino issues Peony Fhagen-Smith is a doctoral student in Developmental Psychology at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa. Placida I. Gallegos, Ph.D. (U.C. Riverside, 1987), Vice President of The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group and of Southwest Communication Resources, specializes in multicultural organizational development Rita Hardiman, Ed.D., is Vice President of New Perspectives, Inc., a training and consulting firm specializing in social diversity and social justice in organizations Perry G. Horse, Ph.D., is an enrolled member of the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma and is an alumnus of Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans., Harvard University, and the University of Arizona, Tucson. He works as a consultant to foundations and nonprofit organizations in the fields of higher education, economic development, and organizational capacity-building Bailey W. Jackson III, Ed.D., is Dean of the School of Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Jean Kim, Ed.D. consults for a number of Fortune 500 corporations, providing leadership programs and consulting in organization development Amy L. Reynolds, Ph.D., is a Senior Psychologist at the Counseling Center at Buffalo State College Janet Rifkin, J.D., is Chair and Professor in the Legal Studies Department at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst Charmaine L. Wijeyesinghe, Ed.D., is a consultant and trainer who writes and lectures on Multiracial identity and the application of racial identity theory in various fields Leah Wing, M.Ed., has been a professional mediation trainer and social justice educator since 1983Wijeyesinghe, Charmaine L. is the author of 'New Perspectives on Racial Identity Development A Theoretical and Practical Anthology', published 2001 under ISBN 9780814793435 and ISBN 0814793436.

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