Meet Alexis and Anna. 1. Famous People. Theme: Biographies. Communication Objectives: To Discuss Favorite Performers and Famous People; To Talk About Events in the Past; To Ask and Answer Questions; To Complete Timelines. Language Objectives: To Use Regular and Irregular Past Tense; To Use Appropriate Form Questions. Learning Strategies/Thinking Skills: To Use Music and Rhythm; To Understand Chronological Order; To Skim for Information; Top Sequence Events in a Time Line; To Conduct Research; To Guess a Person's Identity from Clues. Content Connections: Art: Drama: Literature/Language Arts; Music; Social Studies. 2. My Story. Theme: Personal Experiences. Communication Objectives: To Talk About Personal Experiences; To Read and Write Friendly Letters; To Conduct a Survey; To Fill in a Personal Questionnaire. Language Objectives: To Use Past Participles; To Use the Present Perfect. Learning Strategies/Thinking Skills: To Brainstorm; To Figure Out Meaning From Context; To Identify Main Ideas; To Conduct a Survey; To Make Charts and Graphs; To Make Predictions; To Skim for specific Information; To Use Pictures to Determine Meaning. Content Connections: Drama: Literature/Language Arts; Music; Social Studies. 3. Jobs. Theme: Jobs. Communication Objectives: To Discuss Career Aptitudes and Requirements; To Interview Someone. Language Objectives: To Use Gerunds; To Use Present Conditionals (Ifclauses). Learning Strategies/Thinking Skills: Content Connections: Art: Literature/Language Arts; Social Studies. 4. The Future. Theme: The Future. Communication Objectives: To Make Predictions; To Talk and Write About the Future: To Conduct an Opinion Poll; To Say a Poem; To Plan and Put on a Radio Show. Language Objectives: To Use the Future Tense WithWill; To UseMay, Might, Could. Learning Strategies/Thinking Skills: To Use Pictures to Make Predictions; To Make Vocabulary Flashcards; To Use Drawings and Diagrams; To Understand Cause and Effect. Content Connections: Art: Literature/Language Arts; Math; Science; Social Studies. 5. The Planets. Theme: Planets and Outer Space. Communication Objectives: To Learn Facts About the Planets; To Make Comparison; To Read and Write About Imaginary Trips to Another Planet. Language Objectives: To Use Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives; To Use Contrary-to-fact Conditionals (If+ Past Tense +Would+ Verb); To Form Questions. Learning Strategies/Thinking Skills: To Read and Interpret Graphs and Diagrams; To Make Comparisons. Content Connections: Art: Drama: Literature/Language Arts; Math; Music; Science. 6. Adventures. Theme: Adventure Stories. Communication Objectives: To Discuss Leisure Time Activities and Adventure Stories; To Tell What One Would or Wouldn't Like to Do; To Narrate Past Events. Language Objectives: To UseIfClauses and Modals; To Use the Past Tense. Learning Strategies/Thinking Skills: To Figure Out Meaning From Context; To Summarize a Story; To Identify Main Ideas; To Use Graphic Organizers. Content Connections: Geography; Literature/Language Arts. 7. Records Theme: Games and Contests. Communication Objectives: To Discuss Games; Contests, and Records; To Ask and Answer Information Questions; To Organize a Classroom "Olympics" . Language Objectives: To Use Superlative Forms; To UseMost/Fewest+ Nouns; To Form Information Questions. Learning Strategies/Thinking Skills: To Skim; To Use Headings to Locate Information; To Categorize; To Gather Information for Reports. Content Connections: Geography Literature/Language Arts; MathHerrera, Mario is the author of 'New Parade Level 6' with ISBN 9780201604320 and ISBN 0201604329.
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