" If the Clintons' marriage were any more about convenience, they' d have to install a Slurpee machine and a Slim-Jim rack." -- Dennis Miller Oh, those hapless, bumbling, confused Democrats. You almost want to feel sorry for them. They are like squealing toddlers, all clinging to their partisan security blanket known as the Mommy Party. As pundit James Carville succinctly put it, " Eighty percent of the people who call themselves Democrats don't have a clue as to political reality." Now with The Nastiest Things Ever Said About Democrats, you have ample proof of their misguided ways and thickheaded beliefs. Make this compilation your go-to source for quotes about Democrats. The book will certainly come in handy whenever you're going up against your left-wing adversaries. Give those loudmouth liberals the lip. Choose a zinger. Let the quotes fly, and stand back. Good luck on the political battlefield.Higgins, Martin is the author of 'Nastiest Things Ever Said About Democrats ', published 2006 under ISBN 9781592289578 and ISBN 1592289576.
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