In a brilliant historical novel set during the siege of Nashville in December 1864, Madison Jones tells of the adventures of twelve-year-old Steven Moore & his slave companion, Dink. In search of Steven's father, a heroic Confederate captain in General Hood's ragtag army, they slip behind enemy lines. When the two boys stumble across a Rebel group waiting in ambush, it is the beginning of what Steven will remember as "my long nightmare." Jone's lucid prose guides the reader through the disorienting fog of battle & memory, following Steven & Dink toward the shocking climax that forces then into the recognition of their separate identities & the brutal consequences of war. For its sheer storytelling power & the truths it reveals of the Civil war, Nashville 1864 is sure to join the handful of indispensable books on our nation's history & character.Jones, Madison is the author of 'Nashville,1864' with ISBN 9780140278804 and ISBN 014027880X.
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