Myths and Legends

Myths and Legends
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  • ISBN-13: 9780753461464
  • ISBN: 0753461463
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Publisher: Roaring Brook Press


Horowitz, Anthony


Chapter One ISIS AND OSIRIS The fourth great pharaoh of Egypt was named Osiris. He was a god, the great- grandson of Re, who, according to the Egyptians, created the world. Tall, dark-skinned, and remarkably handsome, he was one of the very best of the gods. He was even known as Onnophris, which means "the Good One," for he never got drunk, he never chased women, and he was a sworn enemy of violence. Osiris took as his wife the goddess Isis, who also happened to be his sister. You might think this was not a particularly good thing to do, but in those days (around 4,000 years before Christ) nobody would have batted an eyelid. In fact, all of the human pharaohs made a point of marrying their sisters too- just to show how much they approved of the idea. Isis was a very beautiful goddess, with slender arms, a lithe, elegant body, and wonderful green eyes. She would have been easily recognizable because she liked to wear a tall helmet with a gold disk set between two horns. Osiris, of course, wore a crown and carried a scepter and whip-which were the symbols of his high office. For many years Osiris and Isis reigned over Egypt, doing good wherever they went. The first thing they did was stamp out cannibalism. For, at that time, the people were no more than savages who didn't even know how to cultivate the land. Osiris showed them how. He also taught the men how to make bread and wine. He built the first temples and designed the first statues. He even invented two different types of flutes. Meanwhile, Isis was just as busy. She showed the women of Egypt how to grind corn and how to weave cloth and instructed the men in the art of medicine. She bore Osiris a son, Horus, who had the head of a falcon and was later worshiped as a sun god. It was Isis who introduced the whole idea of marriage to the people. Before that, everyone had just lived together as they pleased. Isis and Osiris couldn't have been more popular. Nobody could have ruled Egypt more wisely. But still Osiris wasn't content. "You know," he muttered one day, "I really think it's time I left Egypt." "Left Egypt?" his wife cried. "Why?" "Well, we've done a lot of good work here. But what about the rest of the world? I mean, look at Asia-just for starters. The people of Asia are still living in caves. They have the most disgusting personal habits. They never bathe. They grunt at each other. I think it's time I went and did some good over in Asia." "You're very good," Isis said. "But who will look after Egypt while you're away?" "You will. You'll do just as good a job as me." "If you say so." "Good. That's settled, then." Osiris left for Asia the next day. He took no soldiers with him and no weapons. Instead he trusted that music and kind words would win over the natives. Meanwhile, Isis ruled Egypt, keeping everything in perfect order. But Osiris had a younger brother named Seth, who was his complete opposite in every way. For a start, Seth was repulsively ugly, with chalk-white skin, violent red hair, and a pointed nose. He had pimples, and he spoke in a whiny voice. Seth was jealous of his older brother. He hated Osiris and wanted to be the king of Egypt himself. "The trouble with Osiris is that he's so good," he remarked one day to the queen of Ethiopia, who happened to be a friend of his. "What's wrong with that?" the queen asked. "Well, it's so boring for a startHorowitz, Anthony is the author of 'Myths and Legends ', published 2007 under ISBN 9780753461464 and ISBN 0753461463.

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