THE STORY: The scene is French Guiana, a region where on Christmas day the temperature has graciously dropped to 104 degrees. Three convicts are employed as roofers by a family, whose roof is in desperate need of maintenance. On the way from France is an evil-minded cousin, to oust the father of the family from his business, and his cold-blooded nephew, who is jilting the father's daughter for an heiress. The three convicts-two of them murderers, the third a swindler-take the visitors on. All three have warm hearts and are passionate believers in true justice. Possessing every criminal art and penal grace, they set matters right and in doing so redeem themselves as real life angels to the grateful family.Samuel Spewack is the author of 'My Three Angels.' with ISBN 9780822208020 and ISBN 0822208024.
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