My Soul Finds Rest Reflections on the Psalms

My Soul Finds Rest Reflections on the Psalms
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  • ISBN-13: 9780310244578
  • ISBN: 0310244579
  • Publisher: Zondervan


Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, Robertson, Edwin H.


Sermon to the Preachers' Seminar Berlin, May 20, 1926 Psalm 127 On Dietrich Bonhoeffer's twentieth birthday, February 4, 1926, he was a senior theology student at the University of Berlin. This was his third year. He had previously studied in Tübingen and, with his brother, taken a three-month tour of Rome and North Africa. The importance of this visit was his discovery of the power and beauty of the Roman Liturgy in Holy Week. It did nothing, however, to change his theological objections to Rome. On May 20, he delivered the following sermon on Psalm 127 at the preachers' seminary. He was quite aware of the secluded life of the seminary and the turmoil of Berlin outside its walls, where Fascists and Communists fought in the streets. After its defeat in the Great War, Germany, a once-proud nation, had been forced to sign the hated Versailles Treaty. Inflation was rampant and unemployment had reached an unprecedented peak. An unpopular government in Weimar cared little for the church and seemed unable to govern the state. The more sober elements in the German population put their heads down and worked all hours for low pay to rebuild the nation. Bonhoeffer found Psalm 127 to be a very timely word for a desperate nation. PSALM 127 Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat- for he grants sleep to those he loves. Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate. BONHOEFFER'S SERMON TO THE PREACHERS' SEMINAR We live in a time when more than ever before we speak and must speak of building and rebuilding. We speak of how our commerce must grow and what trade agreements will bring about this result today or tomorrow, as quickly as possible. We speak of the best arrangements on workers' wages and how workers and employers alike can find a common interest in success. We ask our-selves how we can begin to become once more a rich, trouble-free, happy, and respected people. We work today as perhaps we have never worked before to achieve that goal as soon as possible. We all want to do our best to add our one stone to this building. God knows there are others who do not think like this. Let us pray to God that he restores their sight! But we speak here only of those who use the word "building" seriously, who really put their life and their working strength into it. And of these, there truly are many, very many. Woe betide us if we are not among them! With the question of commerce, there is another question, closely associated with it-the social question! How much this is talked about and how much is already being done! And we thank those men and women who dedicate themselves to this and do fruitful work. And every one of us here would wish to belong to this band of men and women who take seriously love of their neighbor in this work. Woe betide our Christianity if we do not do this. The people should be rich, healthy, and strong. To this end, the scientists sit from morning to night at their benches, in their institutes, and with their apparatus. Science, technology- they all work toward building the future. Take up any newspaper and read the print or between the lines and you will hear the word, loud and clear: build, build! So far as we speak of really serious people, they want not only to be rich and respected but a people who are healthy in body and soul. We provide the young people of our cities with opportunities to explore, to dance, and to play. We rejoice that they go out into the countryside instead of seeking their pleasures in dirty and undesirable places in theBonhoeffer, Dietrich is the author of 'My Soul Finds Rest Reflections on the Psalms' with ISBN 9780310244578 and ISBN 0310244579.

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