Muscle Foods Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Technology

Muscle Foods Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Technology
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  • ISBN-13: 9780412986413
  • ISBN: 0412986418
  • Publication Date: 1994
  • Publisher: Wolters Kluwer Law & Business


Kinsman, Donald M., Breidenstein, Burdette C., Kotula, Anthony W.


Historical Perspective And Current Status. Structure and Properties of Tissues. Postmortem Changes in Muscle Foods. Edible By-Products from the Production and Processing of Muscle Foods. Processed Meats/Poultry Seafood. Inspection Grading. Meat. Animal Composition and Its Measurements. Pathogenic Microorganisms and Microbial Toxins Associated with Muscle Foods. Chemical Residues in Muscle Foods. Quality Characteristics. Sensory Methods to Evaluate Muscle Foods. Aspects of Quality Assurance and Ritualistic Practices. Spoilage and Preservation of Muscle Foods. Cookery of Muscle Foods. Nutritional Value of Muscle Foods. Product Development. Packaging Muscle Foods. Methods and Economics of Meat Merchandising. Biotechnology for Muscle Food Enhancement. Glossary. IndexKinsman, Donald M. is the author of 'Muscle Foods Meat, Poultry, and Seafood Technology', published 1994 under ISBN 9780412986413 and ISBN 0412986418.

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