"This monumental work has now become... the indispensable tool of all folk narrative scholars." -- Southern Folklore Quarterly "A work of this kind can never be quite complete, but in this work Stith Thompson has approached perfection." -- Volkskunde "An invaluable aid to students and scholars... " -- Reference Research Book News Indiana University Press, with the generous support of the L. J. and Mary C. Skaggs Foundation, is pleased to announce the republication of this folklore classic, in honor of the centenary of the American Folklore Society.Thompson, Stith is the author of 'Motif-Index of Folk-Literature A Classification of Narrative Elements in Folktales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Mediaeval Romances, Exempla, Fabliaux,' with ISBN 9780253338822 and ISBN 0253338824.
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