More Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey Previously Published Papers

More Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey Previously Published Papers
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  • ISBN-13: 9780714640273
  • ISBN: 0714640271
  • Publisher: Routledge


Garvey, Amy Jacques, Essien-Udom, E. U.


Part 1 God, man and the rule of intelligence: God and man (1929); the spiritual in man (1929); a philosophical approach to life (1929); the making of self (1937); self-reliance and the individual's responsibility (1937); can the Negro find his place? (1938); faith of our fathers (1937); an apostrophe to Miss Nancy Cunard (1932). Part 2 The disabilities of black folk: the case of the Negro for international racial adjustment (1928); Marcus Garvey speaks (1928); when character is lost (1933); the Negro and character (1934); Negro psychology (1934); a racial weakness (undated); peonage in the south (1927); America and the Negro (1934); the Negro question in America (1939); the West Indian Negro (1934); centenary of Negro emancipation in the West Indies (1934); no more apologizing! (1921); Mr. Firestone, what are you up to? (1931); white man is destroying his civilization (1934); Garvey's weekly digest (1931). Part 3 Character and self-reliance: the future (1936); the call to a purposeful life (1934); Marcus Garvey addresses the people of Detroit (1937). Part 4 Leadership: the Negro and his future (1938); the fellow lowest down (1929); the work to be done (1929); to be of real service leaders must have vision (1929); Dr. Du Bois criticized (1934); Paul Robeson again (1935); De Valera and Ireland (1930); in praise of Mahatma Gandhi (1930). Part 5 What is to be done?: unite! organize! or perish! (1934); the call to Africa (1929); the resurrection of the Negro (1929); the redemption of Africa (1929); only freedom and nationhood can bring peace to the Negroes (1932); plans to unify the religious beliefs and practices of the entire Negro race (1929); the Negro race (1934); the state of the UNIA (1938). Part 6 The science and art of politics: politics and progress (1929); the world as it is (1) (1929); the world as it is (2) (1934); the West Indies in the mirror of civilization (1913); West Indian federation (1) (1929); West Indian federation (2) (1929); politics (in Jamaica) (1929); election manifesto of the people's political party (1930); the new Jamaican (1932); speech of Marcus Garvey and resolutions to the governor of Jamaica (1930); devastations in Jamaica (1935); conditions after the riot in May 1938; American Negro not communistic (1934); Roosevelt in America (1936); petition to the League of Nations (1922); second petition to the League of Nations (1928). Part 7 International relations: the state of the world (1932); Japan, China and the world (1932); the world as it is (3,4) (1932); the war (in Abyssinia) (1935); lest we forget (1935); Italy's conquest? (1936); Italy and Germany (1936); Mr. Chamberlain's methods (1939); the Jews in Palestine (1936); the Jews (1937); the world as it is -Smuts and Hertzog in South Africa (1935); Africa's sovereignty (1939); a note on the evolution of Garveyism (1972), Amy Jacques Garvey.Garvey, Amy Jacques is the author of 'More Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey Previously Published Papers' with ISBN 9780714640273 and ISBN 0714640271.

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