Moral Disagreements Classic and Contemporary Readings

Moral Disagreements Classic and Contemporary Readings
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  • ISBN-13: 9780415217125
  • ISBN: 0415217121
  • Publisher: Routledge


Gowans, Christopher W.


Can moral disagreements be rationally resolved? Can universal human rights be defended in face of moral disagreements? The problem of moral disagreement is one of the central problems in moral thinking. It also provides a stimulating stepping-stone to some of the perennial problems of philosophy, such as relativism, scepticism, and objectivity. Moral Disagreements is the first anthology to bring together classic and contemporary readings on this key topic. Clearly divided into five parts; The Historical Debate; Voices from Anthropology; Challenges to Moral Objectivity; Defenses of Moral Objectivity; and New Directions, the anthology presents readings from the following key thinkers:* Sextus, Empiricus, Chagnon, Wong, MacIntyre* Aquinas, Shweder, Brink, Rawls* Montaigne, Turner, Nussbaum, Narayan* Hume, Mackie, Gewirth* Nietzsche, Williams, Berlin.A distinctive feature of the anthology is that it brings philosophers into dialogue with well-known anthropologists. Also included is a comprehensive introduction by Christopher Gowans, introducing the problem of moral disagreement to those coming to the topic for the first time.Gowans, Christopher W. is the author of 'Moral Disagreements Classic and Contemporary Readings' with ISBN 9780415217125 and ISBN 0415217121.

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