In this particular previous life of Monica Gonzales, she is a 'flapper' during the days of prohibition...during the 'roaring 20s'. Her father smuggles booze in from Canada to supply his three plush speakeasies in the Northwest. His chain of funeral parlors are a front for the smuggling operation, the speakeasies, and several brothels. Monica comes home from college and goes into training by her father to take over his vast business enterprises. He insists that she learn every facet of his business empire from the working level. He contends that, to manage properly, a manager should never ask a subordinate to do anything they cannot do themselves. With that supervisory principle in mind, she is confronted with learning the 'ins' and 'outs' of the brothels she will soon be managing!Hatfield, Jim is the author of 'Monica the Importer: ... Another Previous Life of Monica Gonzales' with ISBN 9780595750641 and ISBN 0595750648.
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