Modern Languages and Learning Strategies In Theory and Practice

Modern Languages and Learning Strategies In Theory and Practice
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  • ISBN-13: 9780415213400
  • ISBN: 0415213401
  • Publisher: Routledge


Grenfell, Michael, Harris, Vee


Every secondary school pupil studies modern foreign languages as part of the curriculum, and some do so with considerably more success than others. This book looks firstly at the ways in which languages can be taught, and secondly at case studies that highlight the practical methods that will help teachers get the best results. The case studies included show that the best learners are those who have developed learning strategies that help them succeed. These learning strategies are examined through practical examples carried out in classrooms, and advice is given about ways in which teachers can ensure that all their pupils have the opportunity to develop these skills. Lots of suggestions are made about the various activities teachers can carry out in order to make learning enjoyable and positive. In some cases, the results are shown to be very encouraging and any language teacher should be left with a feeling not only of renewed enthusiasm for their subject area but also a deeper understanding of how to enable learners to reach their full potential.Grenfell, Michael is the author of 'Modern Languages and Learning Strategies In Theory and Practice' with ISBN 9780415213400 and ISBN 0415213401.

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