Margaret Sartor, a fiercely determined girl from rural Louisiana, who is equal parts "Holden Caulfield and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm" (Atlanta Journal Constitution), presents a poignant portrait of American life during the 1970s. Crafted from diaries, notebooks, and letters, this deeply personal yet universally appealing story moves with ease between the seemingly trivial concerns of hairstyles and boys to the more profound questions of faith and identity. By turns funny and poignant, heartbreaking and profound,Miss American Pietackles all of the decade's issuesdesegregation, drugs, the sexual revolution, the rise of feminism, and the spread of charismatic evangelical Christianitywith humor, frankness, and unexpected insight.Sartor, Margaret is the author of 'Miss American Pie A Diary of Love, Secrets and Growing Up in the 1970s', published 2007 under ISBN 9781596912014 and ISBN 1596912014.
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