Minds Staircase Stages in the Development of Human Intelligence

Minds Staircase Stages in the Development of Human Intelligence
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  • ISBN-13: 9780805811902
  • ISBN: 0805811907
  • Publisher: Erlbaum Associates, Incorporated, Lawrence


Case, Robbie, Case, Robbie


The shortcomings of Piaget's theory of intellectual development are well-known. Less clear is what sort of theory should be devised to replace it. This volume describes the current "main contenders," including neo-Piagetian, neo-connectionist, neo-innatist and sociocultural models. Its contributors conclude that none of these models are adequate because each one implies a view of the human mind which is either too general, too particular, or too modular. A collaborative program of research -- seven years in the making -- is then described, which gives support to a newly emerging synthesis of these various positions.Case, Robbie is the author of 'Minds Staircase Stages in the Development of Human Intelligence' with ISBN 9780805811902 and ISBN 0805811907.

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