Mike King has completed a remarkable journey. One hundred twenty days after he pushed out of Fairbanks, Alaska-in his wheelchair-he arrived in Washington, D.C. An incredible 5600 miles by hand! Injured seven years earlier in a motorcycle accident in Calgary, Alberta, King is a paraplegic with a will that defies the reasonable. But his road through therapy, his struggle to accept his limitation, and his 5600-mile trip through summer's heat and humidity required persistent fortitude. He tells about it openly and poignantly in this personal story.About the Accident- "Between four and five in the afternoon I was just outside the city of Banff on the 20-mile stretch up to Lake Louise where we were all going to meet later that evening. "As I rounded a bend I failed to see a parked car that was preparing to pull onto the road. I ran into the back end of it, broke my back, both my legs, and suffered a lot of internal injuries as well. And the accident left me with a severed spinal cord so that I am paralyzed from the waist down."About his Rehabilitation- "Once I was able to get up and out of bed myself I found that if I asked the staff for something they'd say, 'You know where it is. Get it yourself!' That threw me for a real loop because I figured people were supposed to pity me and get me whatever I needed."About his Trip- "The morning we started out from the hotel and restaurant in Teslin, a little place in the Yukon Territory, a dump truck driver pulled up beside me, honked his horn, and looked at me like I was nuts. I headed on down to the road, but I kept meeting him as he made his runs back and forth. Finally about noon he came by, stopped, and asked what I was doing. When I told him, he invited us into town that night. We had to drive back about 40 miles, but there was no place on down the road anyway!King, Mike is the author of 'Mike King Story' with ISBN 9780934672429 and ISBN 0934672423.
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