In Microsystems Acupuncture, an internationally renowned team of experts provide the most up-to-date information on the theory and practice of the most innovative developments in the field. In recent decades, somatotopes have become increasingly important in the practice of acupuncture as more and more physicians are incorporating Traditional Chinese Medicine into their practices. These treatment methods, such as auricular acupuncture, have been proven valuable not only as diagnostic tools, but as adjuncts or alternatives to body acupuncture under certain circumstances. With beautiful full-color illustrations and detailed diagrams, the book provides full coverage of - Auricular acupuncture - Acupuncture in the treatment of major diseases - Treatment of drug-related diseases and addiction - Treatment of diseases of the locomotor system - Korean hand acupuncture - Chinese hand acupuncture - Oral acupuncture - Chinese skull acupuncture - Laser therapy - New selective pain and organ therapy (NPSO) - Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YSNA) Microsystems Acupuncture successfully combines cutting-edge medical research and technology with the subtlety and wisdom of TCM. And with its stellar list of contributors, broad range, and unified didactic concept, this one-of-a-kind work is ideal for busy students and practitioners looking for an overview of some of the most rapidly growing and innovative advances in acupuncture and complementary medicine. With contributions by: M. Bjiak, J. Blank, T.J. Filler, H. Garten, J. Gleditsch, H.-U. Hecker, K.-H. Junghanns (+), B. Lichtenauer, K.U. Liebchen, D. Muhlhoff, H. Nissel, E.T. Peuker, R. Rauch, K. Spiegel, A. Steveling, D. Stockenhuber, K. Strauss, B. Strittmatter, M. Wiesner-ZechmeisterHecker, Hans-Ulrich is the author of 'Microsystems Acupuncture The Complete Guide Ear-Scalp-Mouth-Hand', published 2006 under ISBN 9781588903297 and ISBN 158890329X.
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