THE MESSIAH OF MIDTOWN PARK What will happen when the Messiah comes? Who will he be? "The Messiah has not come yet!" Rabbi Joshua Sedaka, California Council of Rabbis "The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is near." Rev. Albert Periwinkle, Executive Director of the Protestant Fundamentalist Alliance "We don't know when our Lord Jesus Christ will return, but He will." "We are waiting for the Tenth and Final Messiah. He will come riding on a white horse, carry a sword of flame, and destroy the wicked." Swami Rabindranath Yogananda, East West Hindu Brotherhood in America " We are waiting for the Twelfth and Final Messiah, Al Mahdi. He will descend near the White Tower of Damascus." Imam Anwar Yamani, National Islamic Brotherhood Seventy-seven-year-old Shlomo Hirsch has known for 55 years that he is the Messiah, but he has never known what to do about it. He realizes that he's not getting any younger, as he sits and feeds pigeons daily in Midtown Park. Time is running out. He must reveal himself to the world! Finally, he hits on a plan!Gompertz, Rolf is the author of 'Messiah Of Midtown Park A Contemporary Comedy-drama Screenplay', published 2004 under ISBN 9780595328567 and ISBN 0595328563.
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