Engagement rings: Whoever came up with the idea of diamonds and marriage must have been pretty smart. What better to symbolize marriage than the hardest thing known to mankind? Fear of commitment: Men don't want to commit because we have vacationed in a sexual fantasy world our whole life. We're afraid that when we're in the church, standing at the altar, and saying, "I do," it will immediately be followed by Heidi Klum running into the vestibule screaming, "Am I too late?!!" Communication: Women have an intelligence network that rivals the CIA. They make the Internet look like two tin cans with string tied between them. I guarantee, if you screw over a woman tonight, by tomorrow morning you'll be on a shit list in Afghanistan.... Women are basically researchers. Especially in bed. That only looks like a negligee; it's really a lab coat. Sharing your feelings: When a woman asks you to open up and share your feelings with her, it's important to understand that "I'd like to have sex with you and your best friend" isn't a feeling. It's a mistake. Sexual ethics: It's unrealistic to think that you can have sex with every woman. But it's realistic, and more fulfilling, to be admired by all women for the way you treat one of them. Women love having something every other woman desires but can't have. Think "shoes."Dugan, Mike is the author of 'Men Fake Foreplay And Other Lies That Are True', published 2004 under ISBN 9781594860744 and ISBN 1594860742.
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