The ongoing adventures of Piro, an obsessed anime/manga fan and his friend Largo, a hardcore American gamer and 133th4x0rm4573r--or, for those who don't know leetspeak, "elite hacker master," continue with the duo still stuck in Japan and no closer to finding a way home. This volume collects chapters seven and eight of the popular online comic "Megatokyo." Largo is seriously off his game and even the efforts of the class president and a brave hamster may not be enough to get him going again. Piro is worried about his friend, but his biggest concern is for the safety of a certain voice actress who suddenly finds herself the center of attention of a massive, unyielding fanboy horde. This collection includes one-shot strips and character artwork, as well as an extensive character and readers guides with notes and commentary to help you better understand the world of Megatokyo.Gallagher, Fred is the author of 'Megatokyo ', published 2007 under ISBN 9781401211271 and ISBN 1401211275.
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