Features & descriptions to MyMassCommLab: Integrated & Annotated Video Clipshighlight media coverage of current news events as well as key historical footage, profiles of prominent personalities in media, and coverage of key ethical, political, social and international trends in the industry. Many of these video clips will be annotated to help students understand and critically evaluate this media material. Career Explorationsfeature video interviews with media professionals along with personal profiles of key media jobs, including job duties; what a typical day is like; how the job was obtained; job search tips, hints, advice, or anecdotes; and salary. Careers in Media weblinks also are available throughout. Biographical profilesof the movers and shakers in the media provide students with more in-depth information about key people in various media fields. Unlimited use of Pearson's Research Navigatorâ„¢is the easiest way for students to start a research assignment. Complete with extensive help on the research process and four exclusive databases of credible and reliable source material including the EBSCO Academic Journal and Abstract Database,New York TimesSearch by Subject Archive, "Best of the Web" Link Library, andFinancial TimesArticle Archive and Company Financials Research Navigator helps students quickly and efficiently make the most of their research time. New York TimesDaily News Feedcontains an online feed from TheNew York Timesthat is updated hourly. An E-bookmatching the exact layout of the printed textbook, the online E-book contains multimedia icons in the margins that launch to exciting resources that expand upon the key topics students encounter as they read through the text. Assessmentsfound in each chapter of the text enable students to navigate through a pre-test and post-test, all fully integrated with the E-book in order to assess, review, and improve their understanding of the material chapter-by-chapter. A customized study plan,generated from chapter pre-tests and post-tests, identifies areas of weakness and strength to help students focus their attention and efforts where they're needed the most. A wealth of instructor support materialsimplifies and enriches the teaching experience. MyMassCommLab gives you access to text-specific materials including instructor's manuals, test banks, and PowerPoint presentations.Folkerts, Jean is the author of 'Media in Your Life An Introduction to Mass Communication', published 2007 under ISBN 9780205523658 and ISBN 020552365X.
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