Dummies Test Engine, QuickLearn Game, and more on CD-ROM CD-ROM includes hundreds of sample exam questions The fun and easy way " to study for the exam - all the rewards in half the time! Here's the MCSE Migrating from Windows NT 4 to Windows 2000 test-prep guide you've been waiting for - a For Dummies book-and-software package that actually makes studying fun. Prepared by a Microsoft-certified expert and packed with proven tips and practice exams, it's all you need to master the topic - and pass the test! all this on the bonus CD-ROM Dummies Test Engine, our exclusive, fully customizable test-prep software featuring hundreds of sample questions QuickLearn, an exclusive sci-fi adventure game that builds test-taking skills Plus an MCSE screensaver and bonus demos from Specialized Solutions and Prep Technologies PC running Windows 95 or later, Windows NT 4 or later; 16MB RAM; CD-ROM drive. Separate requirements for QuickLearn. See the About the CD appendix for details and complete System requirements Plus demos from Transcender Corporation Discover how to: Review the material, objective by objective Assess what you know - and don't Spot and avoid test traps Answer questions quickly Hone your skills on top test-prep software Create custom practice exams Get smart! www.dummies.comMcCaw, Rory is the author of 'MCSE Migrating from Windows NT 4 to Windows 2000 For Dummies - Rory McCaw - Paperback - BK&CD-ROM' with ISBN 9780764508103 and ISBN 0764508105.
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