Partial table of contents: What Role for History? J. C. Penney Co.: Running with the Chain Concept. The Battle for Cigarette Supremacy, 1920s and 1930s. Lever2s Massive Attack on Crisco with Spry, 1936. Lestoil: Battling the Giants to Gain Market Entry. Miller Beer: Transferring Marketing Muscle to the Brewing Industry. McDonald2s: Success with Such a Simple Product. Perdue Chickens: Differentiating a Commodity. International Management Group: Marketing of Athletes. Nike: Bearding Foreign Competition. Johnson & Johnson2s Tylenol: Regaining the Public Trust. Conclusions: What Can Be Learned?Hartley, Robert F. is the author of 'Marketing Successes - Historical to Present Day: What We Can Learn' with ISBN 9780471512622 and ISBN 0471512621.
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