The shocking confessions of "the most dangerous man alive." - Rolling Stone "Compelling and chilling." -- Baltimore Evening Sun "I couldn't put it down." -- Liz Smith "Disturbingly hypnotic." -- Vogue "Compulsively readable. . . . Manson can't ever succeed in being paroled out of that cell, not as long as people with any sense at all can read this book." --William S. Burroughs "A glimpse of part of the American experience that is rarely described from the inside. . . . It compels both interest and horror." -- The Washington Post "Gives us a portrait close to the truth." -- The New York Times Book Review "The book finally diminishes the Manson mystique. For that, credit goes to the co-author Nuel Emmons, [who] gives Manson room to reveal himself without voodoo hype. The result is an explanation of Manson's crimes that, for the first time, feels convincing." -- San Francisco Bay Guardian "Provides a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a truly dangerous human being." -- Los Angeles Herald Examiner "Reads like a sordid but often gripping picaresque novel." -- Louisville Courier-Journal "These ‘words' are the essence behind the horror of the tragedy: cold, calculated, hard facts told exactly the way it was from the beginning. . . . Effectively captures the disturbed mind of Manson and gives us a better understanding of the complexity of a violent criminal." -- Rave ReviewsEmmons, Nuel is the author of 'Manson in His Own Words' with ISBN 9780802130242 and ISBN 0802130240.
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