Managing your credit and understanding how to handle debt wisely shouldn't require hours of reading. In Managing Credit, the information is organized into concise, clear explanations that help you make sense of the process-quickly and easily. This book examines the details and breaks them down into manageable parts. It provides you with essential insights and tools to maximize your credit and use your buying power to its best advantage. Feel empowered, not enmeshed. Taking a clear, concise approach to money management, the Dorling Kindersley Essential Finance Series provides a practical and impartial resource to guide you through important financial decisions. Useful questionnaires pinpoint one's financial status while easy-to-use charts and graphs help track cash flow. Cut through the complexities of financial lingo and gain the confidence needed to build real financial security. Learn to live debt free, invest in the stock market, pay for a child's education, or plan for retirement. Filled with practical advice on all aspects of money management, this series offers an excellent foundation for building a personal finance library.Robinson, Marc is the author of 'Managing Credit' with ISBN 9780789463166 and ISBN 0789463164.
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