Maintenance of Waterfront Facilities

Maintenance of Waterfront Facilities
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  • ISBN-13: 9781410219756
  • ISBN: 1410219755
  • Publisher: University Press of the Pacific


U.S Army, U.S Navy, U.S Air Force


CONTENTS:CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTIONSECTION 1. GENERALPurposeScopeCooperation and CoordinationSECTION 2. JOINT SERVICE RESPONSIBILITYArmyNavyAir ForceSECTION 3. MAINTENANCE STANDARDS, POLICIES, AND CRITERIAStandardsEngineeringRelated Published MaterialSECTION 4. TERMINOLOGYPrimary ConsiderationsTypes of StructuresSECTION 5. PLANNINGProgrammingEconomic RequirementCauses of DeteriorationInspectionSECTION 6. PREPARATION FOR WORK. Field MeasurementsAs-Built DrawingsSketchesChecking Structural StabilitySECTION 7. ACCESS TO WORKDiversRafts and/or BargesScaffoldsLaddersExcavationsSECTION 8. SAFETYInstructionsPersonal ProtectionBarricades and Safety LinesTraffic ControlProtection from Mechanical DamageBerthingCurrentsChanges in TidesCHAPTER 2 - TIMBER STRUCTURESSECTION 1. PRESERVATION OF WOODPreservative TreatmentWood Destroying OrganismsPreservative MaterialsPressure TreatmentHandling of Treated WoodSeasoning Checks or CracksHardwareSECTION 2. INSPECTIONExposed AreasSubmerged SectionsSECTION 3. MAINTENANCEReplacementRepairCHAPTER 3 - CONCRETE STRUCTURESSECTION 1. CONCRETE TECHNOLOGYDefinition of ConcreteComponents of ConcreteDesirable Properties of ConcreteSpecial Concretes for Waterfront Structures.SECTION 2. CAUSES AND TYPES OF DETERIORATIONCauses of Concrete DeteriorationTypes of Concrete DamageSECTION 3. METHODS OF INSPECTIONVisualMechanicalElectronicSECTION 4. REPAIR METHODSIntroductionDry-Pack MortarCast-In-Place ConcreteShotcretePrepacked ConcreteTremie ConcretePumped ConcreteEpoxy ResinProtective CoatingsCHAPTER 4 - STONE MASONRY STRUCTURESSECTION 1. INTRODUCTIONBackgroundDesignSECTION 2. METHOD OF INSPECTIONVisualSettlementDocumentationSECTION 3. METHODS OF REPAIREngineering InvestigationWeep HolesShrinkage CracksTuck-PointingGroutingCHAPTER 5 - RUBBLE-MOUND STRUCTURESSECTION 1. STRUCTURAL COMPONENTSMoundRubbleRiprapSECTION 2. CAUSES AND TYPES OF DETERIORATIONTypes of DamageStructural DamageSECTION 3. INSPECTIONComponentsDrainageSECTION 4. METHODS OF REPAIRAs-Built DrawingsReplacing ComponentsCHAPTER 6 - STRUCTURES INVOLVING SOILSECTION 1. SOIL DESCRIPTIONWaterfront UseDefinitionSoil ClassificationSECTION 2. SOIL PLACEMENTTypes of SoilCompaction ControlTypes of CompactionSECTION 3. INSPECTIONSECTION 4. REPAIRErosionSealingDewateringGroutingCHAPTER 7 - STEEL STRUCTURESSECTION 1. CORROSIONDefinition of CorrosionTypes of Marine CorrosionSECTION 2. PROTECTIVE COATINGSProtectionSurface PreparationRecommended CoatingsCoating ApplicationInspection of CoatingSECTION 3. CATHODIC PROTECTIONDefinitionTypes of SystemsSECTION 4. SUBSTITUTE MATERIALS FOR STEELAlloysPlasticsRubberSECTION 5. INSPECTIONGeneral ConsiderationsInspection TechniquesSpecific StructuresSECTION 6. MAINTENANCE OF STEEL STRUCTURESStructural ConsiderationsPilingSupporting ComponentsUtility LinesMooring FittingsDrydocksFloating StructuresCHAPTER 8 - PLASTIC AND ELASTOMERIC STRUCTURESSECTION 1. TYPES OF MATERIALSFiberglass- Reinforced PlasticsFoamsRubbersPlastic WrapsAdhesives and PuttiesSECTION 2. CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUESLay-Up ConstructionSpray-Up ConstructionFilament WindingFoaming In-PlacePier WrappingPatching In-PlaceREFERENCESGLOSSARYAppendix A - Diver Inspection of StructuresAppendix B - Inspection, Documentation, Maintenance, and Certification of Graving DocksINDEXU.S Army is the author of 'Maintenance of Waterfront Facilities' with ISBN 9781410219756 and ISBN 1410219755.

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