Luke lives in modern-day Australia with his mother and stepfather, Sam. Luke is burdened by a guilty secret: Sam has helped him to cheat in an entrance exam for a prestigious school. Lulach lives in eleventh-century Scotland with his mother and stepfather, Macbeth, who becomes a great king and restores peace to the land. Luke is studying Shakespeare's play Macbeth at school and dreams about Lulach and Macbeth at night. But gradually Luke realises they are more than dreams. Somehow, he is reliving events that actually took place - and they're nothing like Shakespeare's version. In the play, Macbeth is a villain who murders the rightful king. Why did Shakespeare lie about who Macbeth really was? Does truth really matter? As the lives of Luke and Lulach intertwine, the answers to these questions will change them both forever.French, Jackie is the author of 'Macbeth and Son', published 2006 under ISBN 9780207200342 and ISBN 0207200343.
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