Michael, a young scientist suddenly finds himself the subject of a bizarre experiment. He sees Tony, a fitness instructor from his gym, on the same platform waiting for the subway. When Michael imagines Tony naked, a pleasant fantasy to spice up a dull journey home, an extraordinary thing happens: Tony strips there and then on the platform and offers himself in front of all onlookers for Michael to do with what he wishes. Realizing Michael holds a special gift, he conjures up Billie Holiday, Johnny Weismuller, Daffy Duck, Picasso, Sophia Loren, even his younger self. Mad with lust and losing all scientific objectivity, Michael runs the gamut of his fantasies until, sated and morally bankrupt, he's forced to confront himself. Only then does he realize that he is the subject of a divine experiment into human temptation, free will, and the exercise of power.Ryman, Geoff is the author of 'Lust Or No Harm Done', published 2004 under ISBN 9780312312121 and ISBN 0312312121.
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