Louisianais history is explored in this carefully researched textbook,tracing the Pelican State from the native Houma and Caddo Indians, through theCivil War and Reconstruction, to recent events like Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.Including such multidisciplinary topics as the stateis geography and theresources of its deltas and expansive forests, the structure of the governingbody from the state to the parish level, and the diverse cultural traditions andcommunities, the textbook enables Louisiana teachers to address the uniqueaspects of the state in this fully revised and expanded full-color edition.Accompanying review questions and exercises in each chapter are designed tohelp students reinforce learning and to foster student involvement in relatingcurrent state affairs to events of the past, making learning an exercise inliving history.In addition, Pelican offers a subscription to the Web site www.lahist.com, aninstructional resource site designed to supplement the textbook with additionalexercises, readings, and links to other useful Web sites.ABOUT THE AUTHORSNative Louisianians, the authors have combined their efforts to produce atext that meets the needs of Louisiana teachers well beyond the 2007-8 schoolyear. Eakin, a widely recognized Louisiana historian, Culbertson, a retiredpublic-school teacher, and Long, an eighth-grade history teacher for nearly 30years, bring a rich, fresh approach to analyzing the factors that created modernlife in Louisiana.Culbertson, Manie is the author of 'Louisiana The Land and Its People', published 2006 under ISBN 9781589803039 and ISBN 1589803035.
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