Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D., is Rossi Distinguished Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Weill School of Medicine of Cornell University and attending physician at both the New York Presbyterian Hospital and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. He is health editor of Parade magazine, a frequent guest on national television, and the author of several bestsellers, including Dr. Rosenfeld's Guide to Alternative Medicine; Doctor, What Should I Eat?; Symptoms; and The Best Treatment. He and his wife, Camilla, live in Westchester County, New York, and have four children and five grandchildren.Isadore Rosenfeld M.D. is the author of 'Live Now, Age Later: Proven Ways to Slow Down the Clock (Thorndike Nonfiction)' with ISBN 9780783887418 and ISBN 0783887418.
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