In the tradition ofThe Gift of the Magicomes a heartwarming holiday novel to treasure...During the hard times of the Great Depression, newlyweds Peter and Lucy Thompson move to New York City, determined to create a life together filled with love and joy, if not riches. But Peter's promised job is not waiting when he arrives; it has been lost to the financial hardships gripping the city and the nation. As Christmas approaches, the young couple's meager savings have all but disappeared. However, Peter -- filled with childlike wonder, love for Lucy, and faith in the magic of Christmas -- never loses hope.Suddenly, on Christmas Eve, Peter makes an extravagant gesture of his love for Lucy, but just as quickly, tragedy strikes before he can deliver it -- and before Lucy can deliver her own gift...news of a baby.One year later, the penniless young mother -- despondent and bereft of hope -- makes the painful decision to leave her carefully bundled child on the steps of an orphanage.But Lucy's desperate act on Christmas Eve will set the stage for a miracle so remarkable that it will restore shattered hope and renew faith in the mysterious loving kindness that touches our lives when we least expect.A magical tale filled with gentle humor and genuine, heart-tugging emotion,Little Ellie Clausis a gift of love and hope for this season and beyond.James, Jr. Manos is the author of 'Little Ellie Claus' with ISBN 9780743406246 and ISBN 0743406249.
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