In this deeply touching tear-jerker, Michelle Cole tells the unforgettable, moving story, of a vibrant, courageous young girl, who is wise beyond her years. At age five, Lilla Belle and her best friend, Ivana, start school. It is during this time, the two friends meet, Shemara, another kindergartner, with whom they become fast friends. Although Shemara appears to be happy at school, she is a young girl with secrets too horrible to tell, with hurts so deep, they may never heal. With rare determination, wisdom, and unselfishness, Lilla Belle helps change this young girl's life, forever. Lilla Belle the First Stages, isn't just great fiction, it is an important piece of life!Cole, Michelle is the author of 'Lilla Belle The First Stages' with ISBN 9780972217309 and ISBN 0972217304.
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