In the late 1820s, Sarah & Angelina Grimk‚ traded their elite position as daughters of a prominent slaveholding family in Charleston, South Carolina, for a life dedicated to abolitionism & advocacy of women's rights. The sisters became leaders in the anti-slavery movement, & their actions have had lasting repercussions on the way Americans strive for equality & social justice, even today. In 1868, Angelina & Sarah discovered that their deceased brother had had children by a slave. True to their ideals, the Grimk‚ sisters invited their nephews into their lives, helped educate them, & gave them the means to start a new life. Archibald & Francis continued the fight for equality, becoming two of the most noted African Americans of their time. Francis, an influential Presbyterian minister, & Archibald, a lawyer, diplomat, writer, & editor, were deeply involved in the burgeoning civil rights movement & the founding of the NAACP. Archibald's daughter, Angelina Weld Grimk‚ became a seminal Harlem Renaissance poet & playwright. At once a social history & family biography, Lift Up Thy Voice illustrates how the question of race dominates American history. Readers with a passion for American history, the Civil War, reform politics, & the early women's & civil rights movements will be fascinated by the inspiring tale of this remarkable family & its leadership over the century that made America what it is today.Perry, Mark is the author of 'Lift Up Thy Voice' with ISBN 9780670030118 and ISBN 0670030112.
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