Lifescripts What to Say to Get What You Want in Life's Toughest Situations

Lifescripts What to Say to Get What You Want in Life's Toughest Situations
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  • Condition: Good
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  • ISBN-13: 9780764567346
  • ISBN: 0764567349
  • Publisher: Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John


Pollan, Stephen M., Levine, Mark


Asking for a raise Confronting a backstabber Firing an employee Negotiating for more severance Ending a friendship Confronting a sexual harasser Debating vacations with your spouse Heading off potential client problems Excerpt from Lifescript #7. Asking for a Salary Increase Icebreaker: I'd like to thank you for the opportunity you and the company have given me. I recognize that you've been very influential in my growth and advancement. However, I have a problem that I need your help with. Pitch #1: I've been concentrating solely on my professional growth and haven't been paying attention to my stream of income... Pitch #2: I think my salary no longer reflects my contribution to the company... Pitch #3: I think my salary no longer matches my job responsibilities... Whether you're asking for a raise, confronting a backstabber, dealing with sexual harassment, Þring an employee, renegotiating a loan, discussing elder care with siblings, or asking your spouse to lose weight, scripts give you the most effective approach-and the actual words-to use. Each of the scripts provide you with an icebreaker opener, a 'pitch,' and a ²ow-chart of rejoinders to give any response, positive or negative. You'll also Þnd strategic pointers on attitude, timing, preparation, and behavior. From a heart-to-heart chat with a friend to a boardroom confrontation with a CEO, scripts provide a map to navigate successfully through the most complicated and dreaded situations you may face in your career, business, and personal life.Pollan, Stephen M. is the author of 'Lifescripts What to Say to Get What You Want in Life's Toughest Situations' with ISBN 9780764567346 and ISBN 0764567349.

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