"The essays in Lesbian Erotics are joined by more than their interest...in cultural representations of lesbian bodies and experiences of sexuality and sensuality. Collectively, they claim that lesbian eroticism exists 'on slippery ground' because our understanding of lesibianism itself has taken on a perplexing ambiguity. Whereas sleuths determined to reveal lesbian eroticism used to know it when they saw it, today's cultural detectives are not so sure, and therein lies their strength, at least according to them. Lesbian sex and romance (or any other kind for that matter) are not fixed truths lurking in discrete body parts or waiting to be uncovered in particular types of relationships, but rather a shape-shifting array of 'performances, positions, and surfaces.' This way of thinking about the protean character of human sexuality is appealing not only because postmodern sensibilities permeate the humanistic disciplines...but because a more fluid notion of lesbian sexuality expands the territory in which which cultural critics work."Karla Jay is the author of 'Lesbian Erotics (The Cutting Edge--Lesbian Life and Literature)', published 1995 under ISBN 9780814742259 and ISBN 0814742254.
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