Egypt! What wondrous pictures are conjured up by that magic word! Scenes of white-robed priests moving in solemn procession through columned aisles to the sound of stately music; of shining warriors massed in dense array upon the burning plain, or charging irresistibly into the foeman's ranks; of royal pageants wherein King and Queen, bedecked in silks and cloths of gold, embroidered with a mine of gems, pass through the crowded lines of their acclaiming subjects; scenes of light and life and color, which cannot fail to rouse our admiration, even our awe: such are some of the pictures that rise before us at the sound of the mystic name. But ever do our thoughts come back to one supreme topic -- the colossal structures always associated with our ideas of Egypt. Be it pyramid or temple, obelisk or sphinx that is painted in our dream, we are impressed with a sense of mystery, a wondering awe of the race that raised them. Their works could never die. The faith that inspired their daily life had given birth to monuments that truly seem everlasting. And there they remain, a silent witness to a people's greatness, when Egypt's glory has long since passed away.Brooksbank, F. H. is the author of 'Legends of Ancient Egypt Stories of Egyptian Gods and Heroes' with ISBN 9781589635210 and ISBN 1589635213.
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